Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sugar rush

New years parade - Dallas, January/01/2010

My 2010 resolution was, like most of the people, loose weight.
I've been dieting since the beginning of the year, and I've lost already 6 pounds!!! Yay!
My breakfast is my regular cereal (honey bunches of oats), lunch and dinner are salads, for snacks, only yogurt and fruits. I cut off sugar, coffee and all the sweets that I loved.
The changes are amazing. I have no longer had heartburn nor any of the problems I had to deal with every day related to my bad diet.
Today my husband bought a blueberry muffin for breakfast and I decided to try (why not?). Oh, boy! It was awful! My heart beet so fast, my hands were cold and I had the urge to walk, maybe run, whatever, just had this strange sensation that I was going to collapse! Some people say that sugar rush is just a myth, but I really believe that once you start to have a healthy diet, your body doesn't accept a huge amount of sugar anymore and misbehave like that.
Good for me, it will be much easier to resist the urges to bake a cake or have one of those chocolates that I have on my coffee table starring at me, all day long!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My brand new toddler!

Tao feliz que meu principe fez 1 aninho! Parabens, meu amor!
Te amo com toda a forca desse mundo!