Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Special presents for special friends

I love to make my own presents. It just makes it more special than just going to a store and buying something.
When my friend Renata, who is pregnant with baby Benicio, came to Austin to visit, I ran to the craft store, bought supplies and started making this wall art for her baby's room. Isn't it cute? I loved how it turned out, and I think she did too.


Kristen said...

You are amazing. Is there anything you can't do?

Contos de Claudia said...

Muito bonitos, os quadros! Que dedicação, em? Perfeitos!! Não saberia dizer qual dos dois ficou mais bonito. Tenho certeza de que ela vai adorar!!

Unknown said...

Estam lindos mesmo viu!!Super criativo...Ameiii e ela com certeza vai adorar!